Open Standards

AXCIOMA is a comprehensive software suite combining several Object Management Group (OMG) open standards including LwCCM, DDS, DDS4CCM, AMI4CCM, CORBA, IDL, IDL to C++11, and D&C. The concepts, architecture, and design are based on:

  • Interoperable Open Architecture (IOA)

  • Components Based Architecture (CBA)

  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

  • Event Driven Architecture (EDA)

  • Model Driven Architecture (MDA)


AXCIOMA has excellent interoperability with existing LwCCM, DDS, and CORBA based applications out of the box. It’s open architecture allows full interoperability with any (existing) application implementing other technologies.

AXCIOMA provides you an open standards based component framework which delivers a flexible and adaptable architecture for your systems. The usage of 100% open standards provides users with excellent interoperability.

The interaction between components is implemented based on our standards based interaction patterns. AXCIOMA provides out of the box support for request/reply, state, and event based component interaction. The AXCIOMA interaction patterns are implemented using CORBA, AMI4CCM, and DDS4CCM standards and can easily be extended to realize alternate implementations using your preferred communication middleware.

Technology Independence

The truly Open Standards AXCIOMA is based on help avoid becoming dependent on a single supplier or implementation of a certain technology. AXCIOMA provides you the ability to exchange one implementation for another when needed.

The abstraction of patterns defining strict interfaces and behavior for interaction between components allows AXCIOMA to push the specific implementation of the communication down into deployment-time selectable "connector" components, making your business code far less dependent on any one technology.

The strict interaction pattern interfaces defined in the implementation independent OMG Interface Definition Language (IDL) enable standardized business code generation/development independent of communication technology.

On the other side "connector" development can focus fully on the most optimized implementation without worrying about dependent business code as long as the implementation provides the support for the interaction pattern defined interfaces and behavior.


AXCIOMA promotes the development of modular, open architectures based on loosely coupled interfaces, thereby greatly enhancing portability options.

Decoupling from middleware technology makes business components portable between vendor-/operating system-/technology- specific implementations. Loose coupling with other (business) components in general increase possibilities for portability/reuse between applications.

Providing a development platform based on a state of the art, standardized programming language like C++11 makes maintaining portability of business code between different target environments far more easy.

As all interfaces between components are defined in IDL, AXCIOMA not only supports implementation using C++11 however but keeps all possibilities open for integration of components implemented using any number of IDL language mappings like C++, Java, C#, Ada, Python, Ruby etc.